Treat every moment
as your last.
It is not preparation
for something else.
- Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Our ZHS on-line schedule:
- Mondays: 7-8:30pm - zazen, short service, lecture/discussion
- Tuesdays-Fridays: 5:30-6:10pm - zazen, offering of merit/bows
- Saturdays: 8:00-10:15am - zazen, short service, tea, discussion/study
- For more information:
Special bows for today:
- Please offer bows for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and others who have died from police brutality
- Please offer bows for Dottie Kelly, Misha's family member, who died of lung disease on May 20th
- Please offer bows for Annette Merrill, Misha's cousin, who died on May 13th from lung cancer
- Please offer bows for Donald Kennedy, former president of Stanford University, who died from COVID-19
- Please continue to offer bows for Nick Battaglia, Camille Spar's father, who died Aprill 13th
- Please continue to offer bows for the family of Alison Templeton, a PS parent, who died on April 1st
- Please continue to offer bows of well-being for:
- Beverly Klemme whose beloved horse Saphire died May 26th
- Rev. Les Kaye, Misha’s Zen teacher, who is recovering at home undergoing chemotherapy
Wonderful links shared by sangha members and friends:
- Zen Heart Sangha website: resources about COVID-19:
- From our dharma friends, Diane and Wing: 'blue eyes/brown eyes exercise:
- From our dharma sister, Jill: Rutger Bregman, author of Humankind:
- From our dharma sister, Camille: an important commentary on race, riots and society to help us understand from Trevor Noah
- From our dharma sister, Jill: Jane Elliot:
- From our dharma brother, Stephen: Maui surfers paddling out to create a circle of aloha in support of George Floyd and his family:
- From our dharma sister, Jill: Ibram X Kendi on “racism and anti-racism”:
- Anti-racism resources for white people:*wWgmhgauhStr-4WtSmpVLQ
Many thanks to those of you who are sending me articles to share, links to helpful information, and for making comments…it is a gift beyond measure. Please know that you can either leave a comment on the blog itself, or send something directly to me and I will be happy to paste it in.
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