Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 16, 2020

Our ZHS on-line schedule (go to our website for more information:
    • Mondays: 7-8:30pm - zazen, short service, lecture/discussion
    • Tuesdays-Fridays: 5:30-6:10pm - zazen, offering of merit/bows
    • Saturdays: 8:00-10:15am - zazen, short service, tea, discussion/study
    Special bows for today:  
    • Please offer bows for Nick Battaglia, Camille Spar's father, who died Aprill 13th at the age of 104
    • Please continue to offer bows for the family of Alison Templeton, a Peninsula School parent, who died on April 1st after a long struggle with cancer
    • Please continue to offer bows for Jeff Ghazarian and his family, friends of Lilliana Mendez-Soto’s nephew who died on March 19th at the age of 34 from COVID-19
    • Please continue to offer bows of well-being for:   
      • Gil Bergman, Shannon's husband who is recovering from illness
      • Rev. Les Kaye, Misha’s Zen teacher, who is recovering at home while undergoing chemotherapy
      • Brendan, Kate Haimson’s son, who is recovering at home from surgery 
      • Michael Tieri Ricaud, Dainuri Rott’s brother, who is suffering from MS
    Wonderful links shared by sangha and friends:

    From our dharma sister, Mary Lou Lacina: 

    In the Time of Pandemic
    by Kitty O'Meara

    And the people stayed home.

    And they read books, and listened, and rested, 
    and exercised, and made art, and played games, 
    and learned new ways of being, and were still.

    And they listened more deeply. 
    Some meditated, some prayed, some danced.

    Some met their shadows. 
    And the people began to think differently.

    And the people healed.

    And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, 
    dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, 
    the earth began to heal.

    And when the danger passed, 
    and the people joined together again, 
    they grieved their losses, and made new choices, 
    and dreamed new images, 
    and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, 
    as they had been healed.


    Many thanks to those of you who are sending me articles to share, links to helpful information, and for making comments…it is a gift beyond measure. Please know that you can either leave a comment on the blog itself, or send something directly to me and I will be happy to paste it in.  

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