Tuesday, January 12, 2021

January 12, 2021


What to Be Thankful for in Your Bleakest Moments

As many of you know, my husband has been in the ICU for over a week now with COVID. I never thought this could happen to us, but it has even though we’ve been so careful. The virus started in his intestinal track, moved to his brain, then to his heart and now is into his lungs. So far he is holding on, but the trajectory seems to go up and down every day. It is so difficult not to be there with him and not to be able to talk to him to see how he is doing.

But, I wanted to focus on the things that have made this bearable and there have even been moments of peace intermixed with fear and anger. And this may sound very cliché, but truly, the support of the Sangha, my friends and my family have held me together. I physically feel that my feet are on solid ground and that I have a foundation under me that will enable me to weather whatever comes.

The future is not yet known, but I wanted to thank everyone of you that has had a kind thought, said a prayer, made a bow, sent an email, brought food, sent a card, sat with me. It means so much right now, and I am truly grateful!

Bows, Shannon Bergman


Special bows for today: 

  • Please offer bows for:
    • Roshi Mel Weitsman who died on 1/7/21
    • Ian Hass, Kathleen Dickey's uncle, who died on 12/28/20
    • Tim Doherty, Chris Doherty's brother, who died on 1/8/21
  • Please continue to offer bows in honor of:
    • Nora Hayes-Roth, a dear friend of Misha's, who died on 11/25/20
    • Dan Pomeroy, a friend of dharma brother, Dainuri Rott, who died on 11/20/20
  • Please continue to offer bows of well-being for: 
    • Shannon's husband, Gil, who is slowly recovering in hospital, but out of ICU!
    • Misha's brother, Duane, who is receiving radiation for cancer 
    • Flip Dibner, who is undergoing chemotherapy while at home 
    • David Shaw, who suffered a stroke; he is home now with his wife, Nancy, and continuing the process of physical rehabilitation

Wonderful links shared by sangha members and friends:

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